Wednesday 15 April 2015

A Rant ~ Music Festival Fashion

Okay- as summer approaches, we see the fashion industry kick in, trying to get us to buy our summer wardrobe- and moreover a heavy focus on festival fashion.

As you know, I love a good festival. I love bohemian, chic, flowy clothes, I love prints and I love carelessly wearing wellies with absolutely any outfit. I bring these kinds of clothes to festivals myself, because it's classic and I feel great in them.

But there is one thing which we must stop promoting as 'Festival Fashion' and that is...


Don't get me wrong- I LOVE playsuits and jumpsuits. They're a statement piece, look flattering and are summery as hell.

Despite this, it's fair to say the playsuit is one of the most impractical items of clothing- seriously not made for a festival. And honestly, I'm tired of the fashion industry promoting these and exploiting the naivety of those who haven't yet had their first festival experience.

Have you ever been to the loo whilst wearing a playsuit?

If you have, it'll have quickly become apparent that the playsuit/jumpsuit/dungarees are not the easiest for going to the toilet, as you have to pull the whole thing down all in one piece, often removing tight straps (as these things do have to stay up, they're not usually simple to slip off).

Second question: have you experienced the festival portaloo? Often a grim, unpleasant, vaguely claustrophobic experience, it's not the place you want to be fidgeting and fussing around in trying to pull down a playsuit. And the tight fitting elasticated jumpsuits!? Good luck, mate.
There's also often a grim, wet, pungent floor, and this is why the fashion industry should preferably stop promoting maxi skirts as festival fashion also. You will conclusively, and inevitably, have your playsuit/jumpsuit/maxi skirt hit the floor, and you'll smell off for the rest of the day.

It angers me that some people will feel they *have* to buy a playsuit if they're hitting a festival this summer. You don't- seriously. They're a cute summer staple- but not a completely necessary festival piece.

Now Miss, that looks lovely, very chic, but how are you going to get out of it when you go to a portaloo, and secondly, you're going to ruin that nice white fabric when you sit down anywhere.

From my previous experience, a few quick festival clothing tips:

1. Stick to separate shorts/skirts and tops. Easier for hitting the portaloos and easier to get changed in a small tent.
2. Be careful where you sit down so you don't ruin whatever you're wearing by sitting on something unappetising.
3. Don't wear white. Especially white shorts, skirts, or dresses. Seriously, don't. It looks chic, but I promise you you'll ruin it.
4. Layer up...don't rely on one raincoat. A hot day can turn into a cooler evening and you may find yourself requiring a bit of coverage, but not a sweaty coat. And in a crowd, you want to be able to slip layers off and on quickly and easily. It gets hot when you're all in close proximity with an abundance of strangers!
5. Rucksacks are alright at smaller festivals...but easy to pickpocket at bigger ones, especially when in a crowd. In this case, use a small side bag or a bum bag. Make sure it can zip up.
6. It sounds like your mum- but don't forget suncream. Festivals are ruined by sunstroke or sunburn, and your friends won't forgive you for making them apply aloe vera to your back.
7. Keep a pair of shoes that are easy to slip on in your tent for heading off to the toilets in the dead of night. When you're about to pee yourself, you don't want to desperately be lacing up your converses.
8. Go insane with fashion...pair up what you like, because it's fair to say that at a festival pretty much anything goes. Embrace it!

Apart from that, have a wonderful festival weekend to any of you hitting any. I hope you found my brief rant somewhat relatable and agreeable...

Happy Wednesday!


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